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There’s no question that dental implants have revolutionized the process of replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are strong, durable, and look and function just like your natural teeth. However, not everyone can receive full-size implants. If that’s you, mini-implants from Dr. Rick Barfield at 1st In Smiles in Plano, TX may be the answer!

Mini-Implants Make It Possible

The most important consideration when deciding whether full-size implants will work is the thickness and strength of the underlying bone. Implants transfer the enormous pressure of chewing to the bone just like your natural tooth roots. That helps stimulate the bone and keeps it strong and healthy.

However, when a tooth goes missing, the bone no longer receives that stimulation and it begins to deteriorate. If the bone isn’t thick or strong enough to support full-size implants, mini-implants can often be used instead.

Mini-implants are roughly half the diameter of regular implants. That makes them a very good solution for people who want to replace one or more missing teeth, but don’t have enough, or strong enough, underlying bone.

Another advantage is that, because mini-implants are smaller, placing them into the bone is less invasive. That usually results in faster healing times and a lower risk of infection.

Pretty Darned Versatile, Too

Mini-implants can support a wide variety of dental restorations – single teeth, a dental bridge, or even a full arch of dentures. An abutment, or connecting piece, is attached to the implant, and the restoration is attached to the abutment. If you’re a denture-wearer who is sick and tired of your dentures slipping, sliding, or even popping out unexpectedly, good news! Mini-implant dentures are firmly fixed in place. They can’t possibly move or pop out.

Not only that, but the firm support of the implants also returns up to 90 percent of your chewing power instead of the 20 percent of traditional dentures. How would you like to eat steak comfortably and quickly without having to chew, and chew, and chew?

The Process

When you consult Dr. Rick Barfield at 1st In Smiles in Plano, TX, he’ll start by taking a thorough history and performing a comprehensive examination. If mini-implants are right for you, the next step is a great deal of treatment planning to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Mini-implants can be placed under local anesthesia or using a combination of anesthesia and dental sedation. Dr. Barfield offers three levels of sedation, so you’re sure to be comfortable during the implant placement.

Get Started

Mini-implants may be right for you, but there’s no way to know for sure without a comprehensive dental examination including digital X-rays. Beware any dentist who says that he or she can place implants without knowing the health of your bone.

If the cost of implants is a concern, you’ll be happy to know that 1st In Smiles offers a variety of payment and financing options. We’ll be happy to work with you to find the right plan for you.

Explore your tooth replacement options by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Rick Barfield at 1st In Smiles in Plano, TX. Call our office today at 972-380-8105.