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Whether you are like most of us who were not born with perfect teeth and gums, or if the years have simply been unkind to your smile, we have some great cosmetic dentistry treatment options available for you. Dr. Barfield is actually the go-to guy in the region for smile makeover solutions. That’s because our Plano, TX dentist’s office is known for quality, affordable work that will transform your look into something you can be proud to share with the world. Keep reading to learn more. And then be sure to contact us when you are ready to move forward!

Do Something Big for Your Smile

Many of us get caught up in day to day living, and we become accustomed to settling for a less-than-ideal situation. Why? Because it often seems like a lot of effort and expense to put a positive change into motion, although that is not usually the reality of the situation. If any of this sounds like you, it’s time to consider cosmetic dentistry, because it is easier and more accessible than ever.

Identify Your Problems and Goals

Color Issues

Did you know that professional teeth whitening is the most requested cosmetic dentistry procedure across the country? True story! So, if your teeth have lost their brilliant white, color, you need to know that you are not alone and that we can help you turn that situation around in a hurry.

Concerns About Shape

Most patients want teeth that look uniform with a nice, long, even shape. All of your teeth should be about the same length, and your gums should be at a healthy level to showcase your teeth rather than overtaking them. Doesn’t that sound about right?

A Desire to Straighten Things Out

Let’s be honest: teeth that are crooked, crowded, or gapped are not going to give you the look that you want. Having teeth that are in proper alignment also makes it easier to keep them healthy and clean.

Find the Right Fix

Teeth Whitening

Around here, we offer Opalescence Boost teeth whitening (both in-office and take-home varieties), which will whiten your teeth while strengthening your tooth enamel! Please be sure to ask us about our FREE teeth whitening for life program for ongoing patients.

Dental Veneers

This is a great catchall solution. For teeth that are broken, chipped, cracked, discolored, crooked, uneven, gapped, and more, veneers can hide those flaws. We offer more than one kind, so you’ll have great options available to you if you go this route.

Invisalign “Clear Braces”

Here’s some good news: you won’t have to wear harsh metal brackets and wires to get a better smile. Misaligned teeth can often be corrected with an Invisalign alternative orthodontic treatment. Invisalign aligners are comfortable and clear enough to be completely invisible to anyone who might be looking.

Learn More, Get Started!

We hope you like what you’ve been hearing. Now it’s time to contact us at 1st in Smiles. Dr. Barfield is ready to transform your smile into something truly spectacular.